|  | Isaac and I met when he was my boss! I was a hostess at Abuelo's mexican food restaurant, and he was the manager there. I was instantly attracted to him, but I thought it would be inappropriate to ask out my boss, so one night, I called him and told him that there was a grasshopper in my apartment and I was too scared to go in :). He came and rescued me from the terrifying grasshopper, and we kissed for the first time. I quit my job as a hostess, and got a receptionist job, and we have been together ever since. The past 4 years together have been amazing, Chance and I love Isaac so much and I couldn't imagine a more perfect family. |  | In December 2013, in Abilene, there was a terrible ice storm. The roads were undrivable, everything was closed, and it was freezing! Isaac and I were cuddled up in front of the fire place in a blanket. He asked me what I thought I was going to get for Christmas, and I told him patio furniture :). He said how would I like a ring, and he proposed! I cried a lot, and we told Chance the next morning who at the time was 4, and he said girls and weddings are gross. Isaac's parents welcomed me to the family with open arms, and my parents couldn't be more happy for us! |  | Isaac and I decided to do a destination wedding. It has always been a dream of mine to get married with my toes in the sand on a Jamaican beach, and now that dream will get to come true! We will be getting married on April 25th, at 1 PM at the Sunset Resort in Montego Bay Jamaica. We would love to have all of our friends and family there, but we know that since it is during the school year, alot of you won't be able to make it. We will be having a reception in Abilene when we get back for everyone who couldn't make it to the wedding! |  |  | Isaac and I would like to thank our friends and families for supporting us. We would especially like to think Jerry and Bertha Brewer for always being there for us, and always being willing to help us in anyway. We would also like to thank Elma Rodriquez for all her support, we wish with all our hearts that David could be there as well, but we know he will be watching the wedding with a smile on his face. We couldn't be where we are without you guys, thank you for everything! |